Monday, February 23, 2015


Picture via Pinterest

As of lately, I have felt extremely overwhelmed with the amount of stuff we have in our house. Too much clutter.  I have been trying to get rid of things for a while now but it just doesn't seem to be happening fast enough.   I get rid of one thing and next thing you know we have acquired more of this or more of that and with Christmas and birthdays that have come and gone.... well.....stuff just starts to accumulate. We have an abundance of  things that don't get used, thrown in a drawer to be discovered a year later and then tucked away for another two years until discovered again - repeat.

The stress of a busy schedule and the feeling of being bogged down and then throwing clutter into the mix, well  I feel like I can't even think and adds to the stress of our busy lives.  I feel like sometimes I am just shifting "stuff" from one room to another but not really fixing the problem. Honestly, Sometimes I feel like an episode of the HOARDERS. Its scary.....

This year I have decided that all changes!

This summer I will slowly go through everything and sell, donate, or give away whatever it is that I feel I don't need or haven't used. This is a hard one for me because I am always asking "What if I need that later?" or  "Maybe I will fit into it again," you get it. I am sure you have been there too.

So, I have been pinning away and researching, trying to find ideas and solutions because lets face it, organization is not my strong point. I found this great blog called Slow Your Home which has 34 proven ways to prevent clutter that I really like and this blog called A Slob Comes Clean that has so many great tips and ideas and even cleaning checklists!!

Some guidelines I am setting for my self  are:

  1. If I haven't touched it in the last year, it's gone!
  2. It serves no purpose, no point keeping it.
  3. MAYBE bin - if its still there after 6 months of no use, get rid of it.
  4. Organize - (This is a huge weakness for me!)
  5. Everything should have a spot
Picture via Pinterest
(I love the use of baskets for organized storage and they look great too!)

This years motto "less is more" and I am sticking to it!

Do you struggle with clutter and organization like I do? Tell me your tricks and tips, I am all ears!

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